Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Constructing some sort of coherency

After 10 weeks of blogging about green consumer culture, researching my brains out, and thinking and thinking about how to poise myself within this hot topic, I am still swimming. There is a ton of great information out there, and thankfully this topic is ever growing, so finding information has not been difficult. The next step requires me to put it all together! My literature review has definitely offered some insight into what to talk about in this final paper, but I don't feel as though only doing a lit review will provide the reader with a comprehensive whole of what I have discovered. 
Not every scholar agrees at this point about the effects of green consumerism, but if I have recognized one common ground it's that advertisers are doing just what they always have done: they manipulate our thought processes into purchasing their product. There is perhaps nothing inherently wrong with this act - any time we try to argue our point to someone we try to convince them that our way is the right way. Yet something I find so fascinating about green consumerism is that these claims advertisers make are directly related to the well being of the Earth and humanity. I don't want to preach to the choir, but no one can argue that we as a human race are destroying our world in many ways  (and I am not exempt from these heinous acts, as very few of us are). If companies are actually making a conscious effort to help fix these problems, I find no qualms with that. However, if they are lying to consumers about the reality of their products, ethics come into questions. Yet what standards do companies need to have? Who will regulate this? It's not as though consumers are willing to make very many decisions about which company is lying to them or not (or course, some are, but definitely not the majority). So I guess the most important thing for me to talk about in my paper is how to deal with issues of ethics in the world of mass media. This discussion will not come till the last two paragraphs of the essay, which I am alright with because of the limited time I have had to write this and the main focus of the paper being a literature review.

Now to get to it!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm interested to hear your presentation on Monday about what your research on the effects of green consumerism uncovers. I am a skeptic though whenever I come across pro-environmental ads in magazines, tv or radio. Do I think laundry detergent that is labeled "organic" is safer than laundry detergent that is just regular? Not really because those organic detergents have chemicals in them as well. Same with that smelly cleaning products with "mint" or such organic compounds. Do you know what I clean my floors with? Vinegar and baking soda. Why? Not because it's safer but because its cheaper. Vinegar stinks to high heaven until it dries. But it's super cheap and can clean a floor just as good as a cleaning detergent would. So its more a matter of cost for me as a consumer, than whether or not a product is environmentally green. Same with food that is labeled organic. Manure may be an organic pesticide, but it's still has to be washed off fruits and vegetables, just as pesticides used have to be. I look forward to what you discover with your project. Hopefully you can turn this skeptic into a more green consumer....
